
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

BLT minus the T plus E and C (The Spanglish)

So apparently these sandwiches are called the Spanglish (because the chef prepared them in the movie Spanglish). But I've never seen the movie. And the idea for these sandwiches doesn't seem that far fetched that the movie would have been the first time to make them.

But I was inspired by the picture I saw on pinterest. And the sandwich turned out so good that Nate and I had them for lunch on Saturday and again for lunch on Sunday.

Of course if you like tomatoes you could add that to your sandwich as well, but I'm  not a huge fan. Even though my tastes are expanding and I now things with tomatoes in them (such as tomato basil soup and chunky salsa). I still can't bring myself to eat them plain or in sandwiches or salads. But if you like tomatoes, then you'll probably like this sandwich with them added as well.

For one sandwich: *

2 slices of bread**
3 slices of bacon
2 pieces of lettuce
1 egg
2 slices of cheese **

*Obviously, if you want to make a sandwich for more than one person this is the easiest recipe to double, triple or quadruple depending on how many you need to feed.

**You can pick any type of bread or cheese that you like for this sandwich. I used mozzarella, but Nate used first bleu cheese and then goat cheese and said both were divine. We both used a three cheese semolina loaf.

1. Cook bacon in a frying pan over medium heat until crispy, flipping occasionally.
2. Preheat panini press (because warm sandwiches are better than cold)
3. Cook egg according to 'how to make the perfect dip egg' instructions.
3. Layer sandwich with bread, lettuce, bacon, egg, cheese and bread again.
4. Place sandwich in panini press and grill for about 3 minutes, until golden brown.
5. Enjoy.

Yum Yum. I think this would be divine with avocado too.

What's your favorite type of sandwich?

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