
Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 Recipes In Review... Sneak Peak

Two thousand eleven (2011) was a great year for Nate and I. You can read about some of my favorite events from the year here.
It was also a great year because I cooked so much and learned how to make so many new and delicious things! Last year I made the goal of trying at least one new recipe a week. And I think I was pretty successful too. I don’t know that I made exactly one new thing every week, but some weeks I made two, so that makes up for it, right? Anyway, I am going to stick with the goal of trying one new recipe every week this year. And I’m also going to tack the goal onto it that I will post at least twice a week on this blog. (though I can’t promise a recipe every time, because that would mean I’d be making 2 new things a week and with our busy schedules I know that won’t always happen).
I also want you to share your favorite recipes with me (maybe we’ll start a link party for this) and I promise I’ll try to make them sometime this year as well, and might even share them with the blog world if I like them enough ;) .
What is your favorite thing that you cooked in 2011? What is your (or your family’s) favorite recipe?
 The top 10 reader favorite recipes for 2011 were (based on total views – from high #1 to low #10):

#1 Baked Ravioli. The amount of views on this post absolutely astounds me, but it seems to keep getting repinned on pinterest and I'm really grateful for that. This ravioli was simply delicious and it's definitely one I'll have to try again in the near future.

And to see the rest of our top 10 you need to check out our post on :)

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