
Friday, December 2, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks to Erin at A Crafty Cook for giving us The Versatile Blogger Award.
The rules of the award are:
  1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 recently discovered blogs that you enjoy reading.
  4. Contact your 15 chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.
So, since there are two of us here at Like Mother, Like Daughter, I think it would be fun for us both to share seven things about ourselves, that you might not know.

Aimee: (For more random facts about me, you can read here)
  1. I was a pole vaulter in high school. I got in to pole vaulting when we moved to California. I had been in track in junior high in Utah, but then I was a long distance runner, and ran the 1600, 800 and the 4x4 relay. When we moved to California I knew I wanted to be in track again, but one of my friends from church was a pole vaulter and so I decided to try it out and never went back to actual running. I pole vaulted all four years of high school, and got a PR (personal record) of 8'9
  2. About one year ago, the husband and I bought a yellow lab pup. What we were thinking at the time, I'm not sure. His name is Aspen and he is now one of our best friends.
  3. My favorite color is pink.
  4. I absolutely love cilantro. For example, students at school were giving presentations on different countries. One was on Mexico, they had chips and salsa to sample, the had the cilantro and onions on the side to add to your own salsa. I added probably a tsp (or more) of cilantro onto my 2 chips.
  5. I studied Linguistics in college, at Brigham Young University. I also got two minors, one in German and another in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). I know teach ESL to adult students 20 hours a week.
  6. I seriously love sweets (as you've probably noticed on the blog). After I finish eating dinner, I have to end my meal with something sweet. Cookies, fruit snacks, cake, candy, etc.
  7. I have a love - hate relationship with running. Once I get myself to actually run, I love it. But I hate having to wake up early to run, and its so hard for me to get myself started.
Ellen: (random information about me)
  1. I discovered hiking at the ripe old age of 50.  My husband Craig and I are preparing to hike down into the Grand Canyon and out in 1 day next spring.  You can read about some of our preparing here.
  2. I have a famous brother, Curt Brinkman.  He was a wheelchair athlete - having once the fastest marathon record in Boston in 1980.
  3.  I do not like driving, you can just ask my husband - on any long trips he drives the whole way.
  4. My mom used to have to take away my books so I would get other things done, like housework or school work. I would hide from her by climbing to the top of our willow tree so I could read.
  5. My son, Anthony, set up my facebook because I was using Aimee's for my stalking purposes.
  6. I love having 4 seasons; fall is my favorite and than spring.  I love rainy days - they energize me.
  7. My husband wants us to serve 7 missions for our church when he retires - I think I have him down to five.  We shall see.
And we decided to choose some of our favorite blogs that we read for this award. We would love to give the award to the following blogs/bloggers:
  1. Claire at Bright-Eyed Delicious
  2. Jess at Steve and Jess
  3. Amy at Up Mommy Creek
  4. Kasee at The Apron Gal
  5. Six Sisters' Stuff
  6. Elise at Elise's Pieces
  7. Cait at A Bicycle Built for Two
  8. Alyssa at Croutons & Cupcakes*
  9. Jamie at DIY Home Sweet Home
  10. Dawn at Designed by Dawn Nicole
  11. Savannah at Rolled Up Pretty
  12. Lesa at Edesia's Notebook
  13. Cherie at Grain Crazy
  14. Stephanie at Mommy Talk with Steph
  15. Keli at So Suki


    1. Thank you so much for passing this award on to me! So sweet of you to think of me. <3

    2. Thanks so much! :) Great blog! I love that you guys do the blog together. Very cool.

    3. Thanks so much! That was nice of you to include us in the award. :)

    4. Hey! Sorry, it took me so long to get back to you. However, thanks for the award. I very much appreciate it! Thanks for becoming my newest follower as well! Very sweet of you guys to think of me!
