
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mozzarella Sticks

When going out to eat it is always so hard for me to decide what to order. I've always had trouble making decisions when it will affect other people, (ie. where we should go out to eat in the first place). I think this is because I don't want to choose something that someone else won't enjoy, its like their opinion is much more important than mine. But choosing the food that I want to eat doesn't really affect anyone but me. So you would think that this wouldn't be a hard thing for me. But somehow it still is.

I'm not really sure where my problem began with making decisions, but I know its always been something I've struggled with.  I never want(ed) to choose something and then find out later that something else would have been a better choice. In 5th grade I had a teacher that tried to help all his students with this problem, of making decisions. Instead of answering "I don't know" or "I don't care" or "It doesn't matter", he made us answer the questions and make a decision. And during that year I got really good at making decisions (like its some sort of skill?) and the following year I was still good at making decisions. But somewhere along the way I lost this skill, and it became difficult for me to make decisions again.

So, sometimes when we go out to eat I like to order the appetizer sampler platter, as my meal. I mean its perfect, 3 or 4 delicious appetizers to eat, and that way I don't feel like I'm missing out on some flavor, I can have a little bit of everything. And one of my favorite things that they usually have on these sampler platters are mozzarella sticks.

And now with thanks to Pinterest, I have discovered that they are so easy to make from home. And this discovery might actually be pretty dangerous for me, and maybe for you too. But they are delicious, and gooey, and scrumptious, and perfect. Don't just trust me, this is one you'll have to try this out for yourself.

1/2 cup flour
2 eggs
1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs

10 sticks of string cheese
Vegetable Oil

1. Preheat a large pan filled with about 1/2 inch to 1 inch of oil. Heat over medium low.
2. Place flour in one bowl, eggs beaten in a second, and both kinds of bread crumbs mixed in a third.
3. Roll the cheese sticks in flour until covered.
4. Dip cheese sticks in beaten egg, cover completely.
5. Dip cheese sticks in breadcrumbs, and roll  to cover completely.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
7. Place the mozzarella sticks (a few at a time) in preheated oil, and fry until crispy and browned, about 2 minutes on each side.
8. Repeat with remaining mozzarella sticks.
9. Keep mozzarella sticks warm in an oven set at 200 degrees, or microwave for 30 seconds to warm.
10. Enjoy plain, or dipped in ranch or marinara sauce. Yum!

What do you order when you go out to eat? How do you decide?


  1. Oooh Yummy! Looks like a good Christmas Eve snack! Following from Savory Sunday!

  2. Those mozzarella sticks look amazing! Yummmmmmmm!


  4. I love homemade mozzarella sticks!! I use Pioneer Women's recipe which seems pretty similar to yours, it truly is to die for!!

  5. I've been poking around your site & I'm loving what I see! I'm your newest follower. :)

    Steph @ Silver Boxes

  6. OMG... you are so evil!!
    At 11.30 PM your attempt of luring got me, literally drooling over these!!
    they look so yummm!! *.*

  7. Looks so delicious. Saw you at Turning the Table-Linky. Would appreciate if you join with Midweek Fiesta

  8. Blog hopping from Totally Tasty Tuesdays...I never thought of making my own mozzarella sticks. I love them so I must try this! Thanks for sharing!
