
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Candy Bar Chunks

Last week while we were shopping at Costco we discovered that Costco sells Whipping Cream and Half and Half. We had been wanting to make ice cream for a while and with a quart of Half and Half for only 2 something dollars, we just had to get it. Right? Am I right? Well with so much Half and Half we've made two things of ice cream along with fettuccine Alfredo, and we probably have another cup of the stuff left.

One of the recipes we decided to make with the Half and Half was a Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Candy Bar Chunks. Of course if you wanted plain peanut butter ice cream you could just do that, or you could choose to add other mixins, instead of candy bars. Make this your own! If you like peanut butter, I can guarantee you will love this ice cream too.

3/4 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
1 1/4 cup milk *
2 cups cream *
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
16 snack size candy bars (we used reeses and snickers)
** 1/4 cup cocoa powder
**2 TBS malt

*You can use whole milk and heavy cream for extra creamy ice cream, or lighter milk and half and half for a little healthier, but still delicious option. We always use 1 % milk and sometimes use cream, sometimes half and half.

** optional ingredients. We added them. But we've made this recipe before without them.

1. Add peanut butter and sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl.
2. Mix for 2 minutes using a hand mixer on low.
3. Add milk and cream to the peanut butter mixture and mix until combined.
4. Add vanilla extract.
5. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and mix for 35 minutes.
6. Meanwhile chop candy bars into small pieces.
7. After ice cream is frozen stir in candy bar pieces with a spoon.
8. Enjoy, or place in a Tupperware container and freeze for another 2 hours for extra hard ice cream.

We topped our ice cream with peanut butter chips and chocolate syrup (the first time we had it) to make it an extra special treat. Enjoy.

For tips on how to make ice cream with out an ice cream maker see my post here.

featured I'm topsy turvy tuesdays


  1. I love your recipes but the yellowish green color you use to write your recipes I can't read!!! I don't know if anyone else has this problem but I always have to click and drag my mouse over the recipes to highlight them and then I am able to read them. Thanks so much for all your yummy food!!!

  2. I LOVE peanut butter and Snickers is my favorite candy bar! So, this sounds absolutely amazing!

  3. @ Lori, I changed the main text color to black. Thanks for letting me know that you had problems reading it, I had no idea. If you have any other problems or suggestions for me, please let me know :)

  4. I know I would love this! Everyone thinks I am weird because I eat peanut butter on ice cream but it is so good! And it's perfect timing for this recipe because it is National Peanut Butter month!

  5. Oh my yum, this is the best idea ever! I am dying right now, I want some NOW! Thanks for sharing and you rock for linking up to my blog! Come link something cool up again next week :)

  6. Oh my goodness. I saw this and am officially your newest follower. Looks insanely good!

  7. I saw this on Savory Sunday and I cannot wait to try it.... Any tips for those of us without ice cream makers?

  8. It sounds sooooo good! I'm featuring this ice cream this week as the treat of the week. thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesdays
