
Friday, September 16, 2011

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

One of our favorite snacks is dipping pita, chips or crackers into hummus. And although we're not picky about our hummus, our favorite flavor is roasted red pepper hummus. Finally this week we made our own hummus for the first time, and it was so simple, we'll definitely be making this recipe again and again.

This made quite a bit of hummus, if you're having a party it'd be a good amount, but for the 2 of us it was more than we needed. But we put some in jars and froze it. And we've already opened one of the jars and let it thaw in some water and the fridge and it tasted as good as new. But you could cut this recipe in half if you don't want to make as much.

2 15.5 oz cans garbanzo beans/chickpeas, drained **
2 TBS chopped garlic

1/3 cup tahini (sesame paste)***
1 large red pepper
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin

**Did you know that garbanzo beans and chickpeas are the same thing? I saw some recipes calling for one and some calling for the other so I had to get to the bottom of what the difference was. And after a little online research I discovered that they are they exact same thing. -- So why can I find chickpeas and gabanzo beans at the store? No idea. But don't stress over it. Just get the can that is the cheapest.

***We purchased the Tahini at the Sunflower Farmer's Market in Orem, which is a whole foods kind of place. I think a place like Trader Joes would definitely have it too. It can be found near the organic peanut butters.

How to roast a red pepper:
1.Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
2. Cut red pepper in half, remove seeds and place in oven.
3. Bake for about 15 minutes.
4. Remove red pepper halves and place in a zip lock bag, and seal.
5. Let sit for 15 minutes
6. Remove from bag and peel off skin using your hands.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
1. Roast your red pepper.
2. Slice your red pepper.
3. Either using an electric food processor or a kitchen aid meat grinder attachment, puree you garbanzo beans/chickpeas**, red pepper, tahini and garlic, until smooth.

4. Transfer puree into a medium sized bowl and add lemon juice, salt and cumin.
5. Stir to combine.
6. Store covered in the fridge until you are ready to eat.
7. Enjoy on your favorite sandwiches, wraps, pitas, crackers, etc.

What is your favorite kind of hummus? 
What do you like to eat your hummus with?


  1. Looks good. My best friend is NOT a chef by any stretch of the imagination but LOVES hummus. This would be a great recipe to try and teach her. Thanks!

  2. I love the plain hummus Costco sells, and also the hummus Good Earth has had as a sample lately at their checkout--maybe a red pepper hummus, but I forget.

    I can eat hummus by the spoonfuls, no chips necessary.

    p.s.--I have been reading this blog for a long time, but I've had log-in probs, so haven't been able to log in until now. Whew. I love your recipes!

    I tried to make it once, but it was horrible. I don't know if it was bad tahini paste or what, but I haven't wanted to try it since. Maybe I'll give your recipe a go!

  3. I love hummus, and have always wanted to try roasted red pepper hummus. This just may be what I needed to see to make me do it!!
