
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Italian Seasoned Croutons

Throughout my 4.5 years of college I ended up only working at one place. I didn't work at all my freshman year (and still managed to get horrible grades some how!) And I did go home for my first few summers, and worked while there, as well. But while I was actually taking classes at BYU, the only place I worked was Legend's Grille.

Although I had an approx. 10 month break in the middle, I worked at Legend's Grille for about a year and a half total. That equals more than  150 days coming home, or going to class smelling like french fry grease. But you know what, no matter how much I complained about it then. I actually loved it.

I loved the student athletes I got to know because of their regular appearances (and my working a few too many hours) well enough that they'd even say hi to me around campus, or around town. I loved making breakfast for the football coaches, and how they learned my name and would ask me about my day, my weekend dates, and were so excited for me when I got engaged. I loved the students who I worked with, and how we had so many jokes together, and howthey respected me when I became a student manager. I loved working with Wayne (the chef), and although I'm pretty sure he blamed me for anything that went wrong in the restaurant (because as a student manager I should be watching everyone else and fixing their mistakes ), we were able to talk about sports, and life, and he trusted me. And I even loved the food at the restaurant as well, even still after working there for 1.5 years.

And, although I'm sure this recipe is no big secret. I learned it while working at Legend's Grille. 
And when I made a salad for dinner this week, I decided last minute that I wanted croutons in my salad - and whats the point in going to the store when we have leftover hot dog buns, and spices and I know how to make my own croutons, that taste way better than any kind I could get at the store.

So there you have it.

Next time you have some left over bread that you would have otherwise thrown away, think again and make some delicious croutons instead.

Italian Seasoned Croutons **
2 old hot dog buns (or three to four slices of bread)
2 TBS oilve oil (or melted butter)
1/2 TBS basil
1/2 TBS oregano
1 TBS parsley
1 TBS parmesan cheese

** except the hot dog buns, all amounts are approximations due to the fact that I never actually measured the seasonings out, but only sprinkled everything. However, you'll want your croutons to have a decent amount of seasonings covering them, to get the right flavor.
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Cut buns/bread in half inch by half inch pieces
3. Put pieces in a medium sized bowl and sprinkle with olive oil as you stir with your hands.
4. Sprinkle spices and parmesan over bread pieces while you are mixing with your hands. 
5. Try to get bread pieces evenly covered with oil and seasonings. (The oil is used to hold the seasonings to the bread pieces).
6. Bake for about 8 minutes.
7. Enjoy as a snack (like Nate does), or on top of a fresh salad, or homemade soup.

Do you like croutons on your salad?


  1. The 2 years I went to BYU I never once ate at legends grill... However I totally understand the smelling like french fry grease. I worked at Sonic in High School and in the summer between 3 college school years. I'll never miss smelling like grease.

  2. Aw, Aimee.. that's how I feel now, too.. I'm going on two years there (in January), and while there are days I come home super upset, most of the time I love it there. Great food, great people, and a great place to work :)
    Thanks for posting the recipe!

  3. I love crutons and this looks like a great recipe! I'm a new follower!
