
Monday, August 1, 2011

Our First Giveaway! - Closed

Although we haven't quite reached our goals yet on the number of followers, I decided it was time to go ahead with our first giveaway anyway.

One of our absolute favorite cooking tools is our meat thermometer. We love using this thermometer to help get our meat to the right temperature. With the help of a thermometer like this, we can avoid under-cooking our chicken and getting sick, AND avoid over-cooking our chicken and having dry meat. We can also get our steaks to be the right temperature whether we want medium rare, or well done. The best thing about this thermometer is that you can set a timer on it not for an amount of time, but for a temperature. So, you can just leave the probe in your meat and this will beep once your meat reaches the temperature you want.

Beef and Lamb
Rare 120
Medium Rare 130
Medium 140
Medium Well 150
Well Done 160
Ground Meat 165

Chicken and Turkey 165

Medium 140
Well Done 160
Sausage 160

Fish 140

Like Mother - Like Daughter is offering one of these thermometers to one of our wonderful readers.


  • You must live in the United States to be eligible for this giveaway.
  • You must be a follower of Like Mother,  Like Daughter  - Food.
  • Giveaway is open for three weeks. Beginning today Aug 1 and ending Aug 21. 
  • Winner will be announced on Monday Aug 22nd.

How to Enter: (One Entry Each)
  • Leave a comment telling me you are a follower of Like Mother, Like Daughter - Food
  • Leave a comment telling me your favorite type of food/recipe (so we can try to meet your demands in the future. Eg. chicken, steak, pizza, soup, salad, cookies, cake, etc.)
  • Leave a comment telling me how you found LMLD
  • Like LMLD - Food on facebook. Leave a comment telling me so.
  • Follow LMLD- Food on twitter. Leave a comment
  • Blog, Tweet, or Post about this giveaway and leave a link to the post in a comment.


  1. I pretty much love anything that has chicken in it.

  2. Hi Aimee, Put me in to winning your meat thermometer. I would love it. HA HA! I've tried a few things. Most recently the Nachos. What a fun idea you and your mom have with this food blog. I look forward to the recipes.

  3. We like anything simple and delicious. We made the no bake cookies and everyone loved them.

  4. That is super easy. You are family. We found it from the links on Facebook.

  5. I'm a follower!

  6. I love chicken recipes! mostly because red meat scares me :)

  7. I think I found your blog through either sloanbook or vintage wanna bee. I left thecomputer up and botht those were on!

  8. I found your blog through a link up party, I don't remember which one since I link up at a few different ones.

  9. I like super easy yummy dinner recipes or any ones in general that are easy since I am not a very good cook! :)

    Ashley Sloan

  10. Tweet on my timeline here:!/Ashley_Katinka (Sorry didn't know how to just get the one tweet)...and I mentioned you so you should see that!

    Ashley Sloan
