
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Homemade Tortillas

If you want the complete recipe that I followed see here, but I (approx.) halved the recipe because we would never use 32 tortillas in one sitting, no matter how small they end up being. And whats the point in storing fresh tortillas, because then they are no longer fresh.
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup warm water

1. Combine flour and salt in a large bowl.
2. Add shortening to mixture and cut in with a fork or pastry cutter.
3. Add warm water.
4. Knead using dough hooks until the mixture becomes a ball.
5. Divide the dough into smallish balls, until you get about 14-16 balls.
6.On a plate covered in flour, flatten the balls and flour both sides.
7. Preheat a skillet over medium heat.
8A. If you are using a pasta roller, on number 2 feed the dough through, stretching as it goes. Rotate 90 degrees and feed through again. Feed through once on 4 or 5.
8B. If using a roller, roll until the balls are as thin as you can, about 1/8 inch.
 9. Cook tortillas about 10 seconds on each side, until they get brown spots throughout**
10. Top tortillas with your favorite taco meats, cheese, or just vegetables.
and ENJOY!

**Don't leave the tortillas on for too long, even if they are not getting spots, because the tortillas will become hard quickly (as we experienced this with about half of our tortillas due to our skillet not holding a hot temperature)

You can read here about how much I LOVE using uncooked tortillas. So you should trust me when I say that fresh tortillas are even better. Plus they really aren't that hard to make either. Next time you make Mexican food, please try making your own tortillas, and let me know how it goes in a comment. If you post about it in your blog, I'll feature your food in an upcoming post!

This recipe was featured on:

Around My Family Table


  1. YUM! What a GREAT recipe! Cast Party Wednesday starts tonight at 12:00 midnight. I would love it if you came over tomorrow and shared some recipes with us.
    I hope to see you there!

  2. If your cooking your tortillas longer than 10-15 seconds per side your heat is too low. Turn it up so you get evenly-cooked, flexible tortillas. Our first batch was perfect, but like Aimee said, you cook them too long they dry out and become rigid. Enjoy the recipe!

  3. Is there some way to make the tortillas without shortening? Can I use butter instead?

  4. Good question! I did find a recipe that used vegetable oil instead or shortening, but that's basically like melted shortening anyway.

    I do know that shortening has a higher melting point, so cookies with shortening will hold their shape longer, however I doubt that will make much of a difference in this recipe as the tortillas are cooked for such a short time.

    Using butter might slightly change the taste of the tortillas, but I don't think they'll taste worse. So, if you try it, please let me know how it goes for you. Also, if you have any further questions you can email me if needed at

  5. hey! Just stopping by to let you know I featured you on Savory Sunday this week! Have a great long weekend! :)
