
Friday, August 19, 2011

Giveaway Reminder

I always enter the hundreds of giveaways I see on the different blogs I follow. But until recently I had never actually won one. But finally, I won an adorable pink apron from The Apron Gal. I met Kasee, the writer over at the Apron Gal, my freshman year of college and we've only hung out a few times since, but I've always admired her for her entertaining ideas, recipes, cute looks and more. Check out her blog for some wonderful recipes, food tips, introductions to new foods and more! Hope you like her blog as much as I do.

So, don't give up. You too can win a giveaway. Don't forget to enter our giveaway HERE for a chance to win an awesome meat thermometer. We seriously use ours all the time, multiple times a week and at least every time we make anything with chicken. Our numbers are still low, so you can totally win. (Don't forget, to actually be entered in the giveaway you have to leave a comment for each entry. Each individual can have up to 8 different entries.) So go go go. Enter!

1 comment:

  1. Aimee! You look ADORABLE! I am so happy you won the giveaway too :) and that ratatouille looks amazing! keep the recipes coming! Thanks for all your fellow blogger support!
