
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crock Pot Brown Sugar Balsamic Pork Roast

Guess what?! I am finally back! Okay okay, so I've actually been back home since Monday evening (sorry!) but I started teaching night classes as well as my morning classes, so now Tuesday thru Thursdays I only am home for 1 hour (or less) in between my two jobs, and I surprisingly didn't want to spend the whole time cooking dinner, and none of the time eating dinner. So, finally on Thursday I decided I was going to make something in the crock pot.

But, in case you want to know, we had a wonderful time in Montana this last week. If you want to know more about our trip, read here. It was absolutely beautiful while we were there and the weather couldn't have been better either. It was great! The natural beauty of Montana, with its mountains, lakes, streams, rivers, trees and flowers is absolutely astounding. Nate was a little disappointed that Missoula had casinos, but was happily greeted by the beautiful towns next to Flathead Lake (On our way to Glacier) and decided we could buy a summer home there. Oh the life.
Top Row: Flowers on the side of the river. A tree growing in the reservoir. Missoula Farmers Marker
Second Row:  Mountain Goats that slowed our drive down about an hour. Stacking rocks waiting for good fishing. The Bitterroot River
Third Row: Butterfly on our hike. My first fish, fly fishing. The essence of Montana
Last Row: One of the fish Nate caught. Glacier National Park. A deer blocking our hiking path.

Anyway, this pork was really delicious, mine didn't turn out quite as beautiful as it did here (where I got the recipe from) but don't let the slightly unbeautiful picture fool you, this was pretty tasty. And once I get around to repeating recipes this will definitely be on the list.

2 lbs boneless pork loin
1 tsp ground sage
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 TBS crushed garlic
1 cup water

1/2 cup brown sugar
1 TBS cornstarch
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1. Combine sage, salt, pepper and garlic.
2. Rub seasonings over roast.
3. Put roast and water in crock pot.
4.  Cook roast on low for 6 to 8 hours.
5. Meanwhile, combine ingredients for glaze in a small sauce pan.
6. Heat over medium until mixture thickens, stirring occasionally.
7. About one hour before roast is done brush roast with glaze.
8. Brush roast another 2 times in the last hour.
9. Serve with remaining sauce on the side. **

**I dipped my meat into the sauce as I ate it, Nate just drizzled some on before and didn't need to add more while eating it. Also, he ate it in a pita, but I think it would taste really good over rice.

What are some of your family's favorite quick and delicious recipes?

I'm pretty permanently working 10.5 hour days Tues-Thurs now, so I need as many as you can give me!


  1. I have never had balsamic vinegar, but I have seen it in a lot of recipes lately. Your pictures of this pork are making me very hungry! You should come and enter my cookbook giveaway (if you like cookbooks)

  2. Mmmmm! I haven't had a pork dish in a while. I think I will have to make this soon. I would love for you to stop by DIY Home Sweet Home today and link up your recipe and any other projects you would like to share. Happy Monday!!
