
Friday, June 3, 2011

Pizza Dough

1 cup water, warm
2 1/2 tsp yeast (1 package)
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 TBS sugar
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 lb flour

1. Put water, yeast, oil, cream of tartar and sugar in a bowl.
2. Mix until yeast dissolves.
3. Pour in bread flour slowly, while continually stirring.
4. Knead with dough hook for about 10 minutes straight.
5. Roll dough into a ball and place into a slightly oiled bowl.
6. Cover bowl with damp kitchen towel.
7. Let dough raise for about 30 minutes, in a warm environment (we turned the back burners on the stove to low and stuck the bowl in the middle)
8. Slightly flour countertop and roll dough to desired thickness.

Nate is the expert dough maker at our house. Honestly, I don't ever make the dough (for pizza). But, he's totally a pro now. And he's decided that this will now be our go-to dough. Its mixes so well with our kitchen aid, and turns into such a good little (not really little) ball. He loves the consistency of this dough, so after 2 times making it in one week there will probably be many more to come.

We used this dough for some delicious calzones, check the recipe out here.

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