
Friday, October 29, 2010

Do you like peanut butter? Peanut butter Cupcakes

A few weeks ago our choir director made these cupcakes for the choir. She bribes us to come with treats - and they are really good treats!

Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Use a butter recipe cake mix. Follow the recipe on the cake mix but use only half the butter and the other half peanut butter. After all the mixing, stir in gently mini chocolate chips (around half a package). Put in cupcake tins and bake as on the recipe on the box.

Frosting: Cream 1 stick butter and 1 cup peanut butter. Then alternate powdered sugar and milk - a total of 2 cups powdered sugar and 2 Tbsp milk. Put it in a ziplock bag, cut off one corner and swirl in on the cupcake to frost. Or you can go the lazy man way and have it not quite so pretty but just frost with a knife.

I like peanut butter!

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